TECHNICAL ARTIST IN UE4 (Magic Factory Animation)

TECHNICAL ARTIST IN UE4 (Magic Factory Animation)

с 3 октября

Описание вакансии

Job responsibilities:

  • Creating high-quality effects in Unreal Engine 4;
  • Working with Blueprint, Niagara, render target, RVT;
  • Working with the FluidNinja plugin and Raymarching technology;
  • Working with hair in Unreal Engine and adjusting its simulation;
  • Optimizing the project and assets.

Почта для отклика на вакансию:


  • Knowledge of UE4 tools;
  • Knowledge of the basics of frame composition, color schemes, shape and light;
  • Ability to work with materials and blueprints (writing customized HLSL shaders will be a huge plus);
  • Knowledge of modern technologies and approaches to content production and optimization;
  • Knowledge of any third-party programs for creating complex VFX effects;
  • Ability to create various effects in UE4, including advanced, complex effects based on the Niagara or Cascade particle system;


  • Schedule 5/2 (or remotely);
  • Competitive salary;
  • Ambitious projects and a technological pipeline;
  • Strong team;
  • Cozy office within walking distance from Krasny Baltiets station.


по результатам собеседования

          array(2) {
  string(24) "Откликнуться"
  string(25) ""